VeteranPark in Brandýs nad Labem is a well-secured and well-equipped two-storey car park for veterans and a showroom. The reconstructed historic building VeteranPark offers specialized parking spaces. You can let your veteran stand with us with a calm heart, which we will take care of with all professional care. You can view our parking spaces on our gallery page.
Advantages of parking at VeteranPark:
Parking is designed specifically for veterans
The garages have a constant year-round temperature and humidity
The car park has a quality security system - you can check the safety of your car at any time via online cameras
Transportation between the floors of the parking lot is provided by a reliable car-elevator
You get secure access and you can come to your historic car at any time of the day or night
A compressor, battery charger and other service equipment are available if required
Batteries can be rented on request
Location near Prague (10 km)
Beautiful surrounding nature, ideal for rides
Proximity to other attractive places for excursions
Brandýs Castle is a meeting place for veterans every year
Gas station directly on the premises
Dishwasher for hand washing on site
Tire service in the opposite building
Great public transport connections to Prague
Prague bus bus Černý Most - Brandýs nad Labem

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